Tuesday 10 January 2017

NetNewsWire 4 mac restore

Restoring is easy, a fresh install may proof challenging.

If you didn't create an export (OPML) then you may have to reimport the subscriptions from the preferences out of your timemachine backup.

In NetNewsWire 3, restore the application preferences within ~/Library/Application Support:
~/Library/Application Support/NetNewsWire/

In NetNewsWire 4, this changed. The preferences are now under ~/Library/Containers:

Procedure is the same:
  • Quit the application
  • In finder go to the folder (Menu > Go > Go to folder) and type ~/Library press enter an browse to the correct folder
  • Activate Time Machine
  • Restore
  • Confirm to overwrite the existing folder

Tuesday 10 January 2017

NetNewsWire 4 mac restore

Restoring is easy, a fresh install may proof challenging.

If you didn't create an export (OPML) then you may have to reimport the subscriptions from the preferences out of your timemachine backup.

In NetNewsWire 3, restore the application preferences within ~/Library/Application Support:
~/Library/Application Support/NetNewsWire/

In NetNewsWire 4, this changed. The preferences are now under ~/Library/Containers:

Procedure is the same:
  • Quit the application
  • In finder go to the folder (Menu > Go > Go to folder) and type ~/Library press enter an browse to the correct folder
  • Activate Time Machine
  • Restore
  • Confirm to overwrite the existing folder