An ldap service test in OEM
Strange, a straightforward ldap service test fails consistently with a "LDAP Address Search Failed. invalid attribute description" as result of the test.
Enabling tracing on the OID reveals something strange: it doesn't actually honor the ldap search filter, or so it seems with the default test. I see always:
INFO :gslfseADoSearch BASE = cn=Users,dc=svb,dc=org FILTER = (objectclass=*) #REQDATTR = 0 SCOPE = 0 REQDATTRS = TIMELIMIT = 0 SIZELIMIT = 0 DEREF = 3
Even though we entered a completely different search filter, e.g. "(&(cn=orcladmin))"
What the test performs is not an ldapsearch followed by an ldapcompare. If that is the case, perhaps we should not have it search. If we modify the search to be the object itself. We are not starting a search at base "cn=Users, dc=example, dc=com" for object "cn=orcladmin", we start the search at base "cn=orcladmin, cn=Users, dc=example, dc=com". Then the filter doesn't matter as it will never return more then one entry - no filtering required.Solution
LDAP Search Filter => mail=orcladmin LDAP Search Base => cn=orcladmin, cn=Users, dc=example, dc=com LDAP Compare Attribute Name => uid LDAP Compare Attribute Value => orcladmin
And then if we verify the service test, we get a "success".